Tubtrugs® Flexible in a variety of colours. The largest size of tubtrug we hold in stock- perfect for many yard based and garden based activities. 38 Litre- Large flexible TUBTRUGS®...
15 Litre Medium shallow flexible TUBTRUGS® The best feed skip on the market! 15L MEDIUM SHALLOW TUBTRUGS® FLEXIBLE Popular amongst those who use them for Gardening, Bedroom Storage, Toys, Schools,...
Tubtrugs® Flexible in a variety of colours. The small size tubtrug, popular as a feed skip , picking out feet, post ecercise wash off etc. 14 Litre small flexible TUBTRUGS®...
Tubtrugs® Flexible in a variety of colours. These are so cute, you can not resist having at least one. They are really handy too! Best use so far....with a sponge...