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Shires Tempest Original 100g Light Stable Rug

A lighter weight stable rug, with just 100g of filling. A really useful rug for keeping off the chill at night in warmer months, or for use during the day....

KM Elite Space Flymask

An effective and long lasting flymask that will effectively keep the flies away. This fly mask features a unique reinforced band to keep the material away from the horse's eye...

Shires Tempest Original Fly Combo Rug

A light and airy mesh fly rug that does a great job of providing the horse with an effective barrier to flies and bugs whilst still allowing air flow. The...

Arika Shower-Tek Fly Rug

A very useful hybrid rug ideal for unpredictable weather conditions! With a durable waterproof topline section which helps to protect the horse from any showers and helps to prevent conditions...

Weatherbeeta Kool Coat Classic Combo

The Weatherbeeta Kool Coat Classic Combo Neck is made from a strong and lightweight 270g polyester outer with polyester lined shoulders to help prevent rubbing and offers 90%+ UV Protection....

Weatherbeeta Comfitec Essential Mesh II Combo Neck Fly Rug

A classic style fly rug at a great price made from a soft but durable mesh. The WeatherBeeta ComFiTec Essential Mesh II Combo Neck offers 65%+ UV block with 210T...

Shires Tempest Original Zeb-Tek Fly Combo Rug

Did you know that research shows that stripes effectively prevent flies from landing on the horse? The ultra-breathable mesh fabric of this fly rug blocks 80%* of UV radiation. Further...

Weatherbeeta ComfiTec 1000D Diamond Quilt Heavy Stable Rug

A heavy weight winter stable rug in a stylish and durable fabric: The WeatherBeeta ComFiTec 1000D Diamond Quilt Detach-A-Neck Heavy has a 1000 denier polypropylene diamond quilt outer with extra...

LeMieux Comfort Shield Nose Filter Black

Competition legal nose net that can help to prevent head shaking. The fine mesh effectively filters dust, pollen & other air born particles and assists with the symptoms of head shaking...

Arika Storm-Tek 0g Featherweight Turnout

New from Le Mieux. The new Arika Storm-Tek turnout rug range has been developed to be comfortable and durable, incorporating clever design features. The Arika Featherweight turnout has been developed...

Arika Storm-Tek 100g Turnout

New range of rugs from Le Mieux. The Arika Storm-Tek turnout rug range has been developed to be comfortable and durable, with clever design features aimed to reduce the risk...

Visor - Tek Half Fly Mask

The Visor-Tek Fly Masks have a generous fit over the eyes, around the cheeks and across the top of the head. The carefully placed eye darts, allows for greater clearance...
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